Port 2 port's most recent collaboration with Camilla Engman, available here An old bird book with newly added birdy post it notes! Cheap (and tacky in a lovely way) doilies Some lovely silk and suit fabric from a Margaret Howell sample sale ...

Post number 200!Celebrating with a deer cupcake (and a strange bison) ...
My work was featured at the Moo sticker launch party...unfortunately I couldn't make it down to see them but I hear a good time was had by all. I've ordered my stickers already and am looking forward to sticking them on everything in sight :)Photo from Andyp uk's flickr ...

It's that time again for more Anthropologie appreciation. Anthropologie...my one plea to you...come to London! Organdy tank dress, Line drive dressCape Victoia top, Floradrop sweetheart teePartners in flight earrings, Fresh berry drop earringsGolden branch necklace, First love locket ...
While I'm in the process of opening an Etsy shop I'm going to be placing a few prints for sale on Ebay here. However, if there are any illustrations you have seen either here on the blog or on Flickr please feel free to drop me an email and I'll get back to you about whether they are available. Ooh...this is all very...

Some amazing design work by Cinq Cinq Designers...I quite fancy a muffin spoon myself (although it might be a bit too yummy and end up getting eaten) Some amazing design work by Cinq Cinq Designers...I quite fancy a muffin spoon myself (although it might be a bit too yummy and end up getting eaten) ...
My recent obsession with little birds has left me wanting a bird house...I quite like the idea of having one on hand so I can spot birds and quickly sketch them plus there are some really unusual designs out there... Nidusa birdhouseJ Schatz Egg birdhousePerch bird feeder ...

My birds seem to have acquired wigs....honestly, the things they get up to when my back is turned... ...

A bird and shoe themed post for you today... ...