
The blog post in which I waffle on...

By LittleDoodles - 1:18 PM
I think this is going to be one of those blog posts where I don't quite know where to start.  Also it's probably one that serves no purpose other than getting things off of my chest.  It's been a tricky year for me trying to find a balance between health and work.  The past few weeks the balance has tipped and not particularly...

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Lovely Lavenham

By LittleDoodles - 9:37 AM
Ah Winter, we meet again.  As someone who feels the cold almost constantly (I'd strap hot water bottles to myself if I could) half of me dreads winter coming around.  But the other half wholeheartedly embraces it because it means a spot of winter wardrobe shopping. Wooly tights, chunky knits and bobble hats galore always somehow fall into shivering little hands.   However...

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Gimme Gimme Gimme...Green(ish)

By LittleDoodles - 9:00 AM
I still haven't worked out a name for this colour.  Either way, it's my favourite shade of green(ish) Uniform Wares: 100 Series WristwatchBaggu: BackpackLavenham: Raydon jacketHabitat: Button storage boxMarc Jacobs: Bowtie ...

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Sock it to me

By LittleDoodles - 6:26 PM
How amazing are these socks by Kvast?  I always seem to wear mismatched socks anyway but only because they tend to disappear as soon as my back is turned.  Naughty little blighters. ...

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What I wish I wore...how to hide a food baby

By LittleDoodles - 9:23 AM
Opening Ceremony: Cropped PeacoatAlice by Temperley: Mink Erika hammered silk topTopshop: Paperbag trousersMacarons: My tummy ...

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By LittleDoodles - 3:04 PM
It's suddenly turned ever so chilly here in London within the space of a few days.  Have I missed Autumn and gone straight into winter?  Judging by the fact that I'm sitting indoors, heating on full blast wearing a hat and scarf I would say a resounding yes! So here are a few Autumn/Winter finds to celebrate the changing seasons... Orla Kiely: Silk...

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Cake Creations

By LittleDoodles - 5:21 PM
This is what happens when illustrators go mad... Bundt cake skirt/coffee holder, utensil limbs, cinnamon bun head and biscuit boobs ...

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Pastries are like, so this season....

By LittleDoodles - 6:05 PM
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