
Matches Spy

By LittleDoodles - 11:07 AM
Whilst I try I recover from the evil tooth and take a break from work, I thought I'd share with you the latest project I've worked on. I don't know why I haven't posted about this yet (or have I? I've found myself getting increasingly forgetful about what work I've posted and what work I haven't!). I was asked to create the cover...

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By LittleDoodles - 10:52 AM
Sorry for my lack of posts...all I can say is wisdom teeth are evil, infected wisdom teeth are even worse.Ouch ...

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Let your quinces be well beaten

By LittleDoodles - 4:42 PM
Part of the recipe for quince cakes found in "A Book of Fruits and Flowers" By Anonymous..."let your Quinces be well beaten."I suppose if there was any fruit you were going to attempt to beat up, a quince wouldn't be too bad. Just imagine a pineapple... ...

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You know you're addicted when you draw about it too...

By LittleDoodles - 4:26 PM
The legend goes that Kaldi, an Ethiopian goatherd, noticed his goats acting very strangley after eating a certain shrub. He tried some of the shrub's berries himself, caught the buzz and voila...we have coffee ...

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By LittleDoodles - 8:54 AM
I've been working on a looser style recently, putting together a series of images to make a mini book based around suitcases (of all things!) I've also been playing around a bit with collage, I'm a bit of a paper and pen fanatic (as I'm sure most illustrators are) so I've had fun flicking through different scraps I've collected over time. ...

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Trainers...sneakers and kicks too

By LittleDoodles - 11:28 AM
I really like these TST and these Nike trainers (sneakers...kicks...runners...so many names!).I'm a bit torn between really bright retro styled trainers and neutral simple pumps. I like the idea of wearing both with little summery dresses, so the choice is between coloured and patterned (may clash with dress prints) or neutral...which to choose??I think these are my faves so far though... they appeal...

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Good morning!

By LittleDoodles - 8:19 AM
Sluuurrrpp...I like to start the day with coffee (although I don't have a beard...or am male at all, but still, it makes the point!) Sluuurrrpp...I like to start the day with coffee (although I don't have a beard...or am male at all, but still, it makes the point!) ...

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Rob Ryan

By LittleDoodles - 12:52 PM
I just heard on the radio that Rob Ryan is going to open a shop on Columbia Road (which I happened to be strolling down last Sunday on a wonderfully hot morning). I know I'm going to be first in line there...in the mean time, take a look at his new plates for Paul Smith. I just heard on the radio that Rob...

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Ooh love to love you...

By LittleDoodles - 6:07 PM
From a series of illustrations about unexplainable loves of mine...what are yours? I may just be tempted to doodle them too... From a series of illustrations about unexplainable loves of mine...what are yours? I may just be tempted to doodle them too... ...

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Summer love

By LittleDoodles - 2:10 PM
Sunny weather always makes me long for simple dresses (even though I know within 10 minutes of wearing them I would have stained them with ink or some kind of paint)Dresses by Sessun, found hereShoes by Tom's ...

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The Design Museum

By LittleDoodles - 4:06 PM
Apart from exhibitions like this one, this is exactly why I love the Design MuseumTake a peek at the shop here ...

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Yum yum yum

By LittleDoodles - 11:58 AM
Click for all the birdy detail :) ...

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By LittleDoodles - 1:20 PM
I've been playing around with patterns again, I've been thinking about getting some printed onto plain tees and thanks to the magic of photoshop (and a little imagination) I've mocked some up...what do you think? ...

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