
Big Hair

By LittleDoodles - 3:43 PM
Hmm...opinions? ...

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Chipmonk face

By LittleDoodles - 2:12 PM
I ended up going into hospital to have all of my wisdom teeth out in one go. I now resemble a chipmonk, which on the one hand is bad because my face hurts and is swollen but on the other hand, of all the animals you could resemble, a chipmonk is quite cute isn't it?!So I'm spending the rest of the week resting...

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Tales from the sketchbook

By LittleDoodles - 11:33 AM
After a rummage around my pen box (way too many for a pencil case) I fancied playing around with a bit of a looser style. When I'm tired I think this style comes a little easier...its warm and sunny here and feels like a lazy day! ...

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Pierre Hardy

By LittleDoodles - 4:24 PM
Cubes = nice! Cubes = nice! ...

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Ruffles ahoy

By LittleDoodles - 8:43 AM
Inspired by Queen Michelle's quite understandable devotion to ruffles...I give you these ruffletastic Bruno Frisoni shoes... ps. For some reason this doodle comes out clearer on my flickr page...click away for eye crossing inducing dots) ...

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Everyone loves a little bit of fringing...

By LittleDoodles - 4:06 PM
Louboutin for Jonathan Saunders Louboutin for Jonathan Saunders ...

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By LittleDoodles - 8:23 AM
The lovely Vanessa (take a look at her blog, I'm addicted and inspired all at the same time) tagged me a long time ago...I'm sorry for the looong delay!1) What was I doing 10 years ago?Hmm, I was 13, so probably riding around on my bike trying to look cool (probably failing, I think I was a "young" 13!)2) What are 5 things...

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Nearly there...

By LittleDoodles - 1:47 PM
It's nearly done!!I had a strange morning...first a woman got on the bus who brought with her an aroma of Jammie Dodger's...quite possibly the best bus smell I have ever experienced! Also, I spotted about five different people in completely separate locations carrying violins (one women was struggling with three!)...is there some kind of stringed instrument gathering happening in London today?!Finally, this is...

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Sparkles, part 2

By LittleDoodles - 9:15 AM
I'm taking my time with this one as I'm trying to pack in as much detail as possible. A lot of people ask how I have the patience to draw in such an intricate style but I actually find it quite relaxing! For me, sitting in the sun (which has unfortunately disappeared today) sipping a frappuccino and drawing is the perfect morning. ...

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By LittleDoodles - 4:26 PM
So good I had to draw it So good I had to draw it ...

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A few more...

By LittleDoodles - 3:44 PM
Best named flowers everShe reminded me a little of Patricia Field although I'm not sure what she was so spooked by... I've spent the afternoon making a birthday present for my mum (mum if you're reading this...avert your eyes!!) ...

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A flowery weekend

By LittleDoodles - 12:38 PM
The perfect weekend, celebrating fathers day, starting with breakfast here (it's apple and carrot by the way)Which was followed by a lovely stroll around the Marylebone summer fayre. Marylebone is a wonderful area to walk around any time of the year but during this one day fayre all of the restaurants and cafes spill out on to the street and open up stalls...

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Morning Biccie

By LittleDoodles - 9:04 AM
Thank you for the little pieces of advice and encouragment, I still feel guilty about my last post and am in two minds about keeping it up. It honestly isn't meant maliciously, I just don't want to get the point where I feel I have to start sending out emails (most probably because I wouldn't know what to write!). I'm not one for...

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By LittleDoodles - 8:57 PM
Um...just seeking a quick piece of advice...what do you do if you notice someone's work has become precariously similar to yours?  I'm all for nurturing new talent and I love to see upcoming illustrators drawings but when you see increasing similarities in styles/themes etc is it wrong to feel slightly put out?  I'm sure this happens in every field of work and I...

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Doodles and the like

By LittleDoodles - 4:47 PM
Some recent bits and pieces...no particular motivation, just playing around with collage (note to self, remember to remove pieces of salad from the scanner next time...) ...

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Hello again!

By LittleDoodles - 7:28 AM
A big thank to you all of the well wishers about my arm...thankfully only a bit of bruising and no breaking! The evil tooth is being seen to very soon which I'm not looking forward to but to distract myself I'm happily spending the morning back doodling and looking over some of my pressies from last week.I got a great little collection of...

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By LittleDoodles - 10:38 AM
Posting will hopefully resume very soon...I spent the morning in a&e getting my arm x-rayed (my doodling arm....nooo!) after falling over last night. Apart from Monday, which was a lovely birthday indeed, it's just been one of those weeks!In the mean time it's things like this that make smile on days like these ...

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