I love that Twitter is helping me discover lots of lovely new things to covet from afar...."Petal to the Metal" neckpieces (love the name almost as much as the actual necklaces) by Make BelieveFree People handmade "one of a kind" floral necklaces ...

Prompted by a (very random!) question I was asked on Twitter ...

I've written about my love for Paul Smith's mens shoes before and yet again I am yearning for footwear that's just too big for meLike little pieces of art for your feet! ...

I'm a hat person, summer and winter. Right now I'm coveting straw hats...whether they're mini squished or just plain cute And here's a girl who knows how to rock the squished hat look, from one of my favourite new streetstyle blogs by Vanessa Jackman ...
Gummy lips provided Nora with hours of fun Gummy lips provided Nora with hours of fun ...

Tee hee hee Tee hee hee ...

Thanks to Katie for the heads up on these insanely wonderful Alexander Girard bicycles (I don't know why I want to call them "bicycles" and not "bikes." They look more like bicycles to me!) Bicycles by Electra ...
Clickety click to see Maureen in all her glory :) Clickety click to see Maureen in all her glory :) ...
The first time I went to America, when I was about 9, I remember being entranced by the jello adverts on tv. I think it was the song (it's aliiiiiive!) that sold it for me but it made me sad we don't embrace jelly in quite the same musical way over here! The first time I went to America, when I was about...
I know this would probably be a great DIY project but...sigh...I love this jacket. I know this would probably be a great DIY project but...sigh...I love this jacket. ...

Flickr ...

"The Gent" ...

I remember the first time I came across this shop in Brighton and giggling girlishly behind my hand at its name. Now I snigger...a sign of maturing? I think not :)Names aside, Pussy Home Boutique sell some fantastic bits and bobs and some lovely homeware. I think I may indulge for the great bedroom makeover. Swedish printsTatty Devine cufflinks (am I the only...

Birthday cutie Essential spy equipment...a magnifying glass pendant Muji goodies A big tote bag to carry round all of my (precious) junk My own little New York will have to suffice until I can get back to the real thing ...

Some lovely internet finds to start a sunny birthday!Jeffrey Campbell neon Oxfords Diesel "Pragmatic" case Pics of some lovely pressies to come... ...

The glorious sun has finally made an appearence in London. It looks like I'm going to have a beautiful birthday tomorrow! Dinner here and drinks here, with added sunshine. What could be better?ps. the sun has been inspiring me :) ...