

By LittleDoodles - 5:39 PM
New fashion week doodle up at The Wingtipper ...

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In bloom

By LittleDoodles - 2:12 PM
Talking of completely unique pieces, I've been working on some original prints based on some floral pattern work. Here's a little sneaky peek... Talking of completely unique pieces, I've been working on some original prints based on some floral pattern work. Here's a little sneaky peek... ...

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By LittleDoodles - 8:52 AM
I've been experimenting with some pendant designs over the last couple of days as a distraction....I mean time out....from work.As a bit of a jewellery addict I've always loved the idea of wearing something completely unique & what what better way to do that than make it yourself? ...

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Catching up

By LittleDoodles - 8:29 AM
Wow, two weeks without a post? Hmm, I'd like to say I've been on holiday or resting but I can't admit to either :( A pile of work and feeling a little under the weather is the more likely cuplrit for the blog absence. While I get myself together and prepare for normal service here are some of my most recent "what I...

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Keep Calm & Carry On

By LittleDoodles - 5:06 PM
The now notorious "Keep Calm & Carry On" artwork has been featured on a variety of products recently, from prints to doormats but I haven't seen jewellery before.I truly love these, not just because sometimes I really do need to learn to adhere to the motto but because the phrase is discreetly written on the back. A message to keep close to your...

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By LittleDoodles - 12:46 PM
Technically these come under the "children" section in this shop but I'm coveting them all so maybe it's time for a little regression back to childhood?For when I'm feeling in a more grown up mood, these are perfect ...

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This little birdy loves Comme des Garcons

By LittleDoodles - 3:03 PM
Working the bunny ear trend in Fall 2007 Comme des Garcons ...

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What I wore today & a cheerful chap

By LittleDoodles - 9:31 AM
I'm still addicted to the "What I Wore Today" group on flickr...here are my last couple of outfits (with rogue hair & unintentional post it note accessorizing included)I also ventured out for my first try at style spotting for my new venture, The Wingtipper. Here's one of the results below. He was such a cheerful chap for 9am in the morning! ...

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The Wingtipper

By LittleDoodles - 10:22 AM
Don't worry, I'm not abandoning Little Doodles, however I am starting a new venture...The WingtipperPart daily sketchbook, part illustrated version of The Sartorialist (ambitious...moi?!). The first post is all about Daphne Guinness. Enjoy xx ...

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A dose of street style to end the day

By LittleDoodles - 6:51 PM
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Landing at Liberty

By LittleDoodles - 11:29 AM
I'm pleased to announce that my Little Birds are now available at the dream shop that is Liberty!Head to the fourth floor and play a game of hunt the bird...they're dotted around to keep their watching eye over the rest of the beautiful goodies there ...

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Flower Power

By LittleDoodles - 11:27 AM
Result of a recent preoccupation with pattern! ...

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By LittleDoodles - 9:23 AM
I blogged about Esska quite a while ago but as the seasons are changing, my craving for new (and more weather appropriate!) shoes is growing by the day. This is why I'm seriously coveting shoes from their new collectionThe colour palette is gorgeous, I don't know what that shade of greeny/blue is but it's long been a favourite of mine. Any suggestions? ...

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What I Wore Today

By LittleDoodles - 8:36 AM
I'm in love with this flickr group started by the very talented Gemma Correll Here are my contributions for the past two daysIt reminded me about the blog idea I mused about on Twitter last week (anyone notice a new blog name on my dashboard thingy?). Must make a start on that... ...

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