
Think Pink

By LittleDoodles - 9:42 AM

Images from The Room, Spring 2010, Cato Van Ee by Emilio Tini

I don't recall going though a pink phase when I was little.  I was the proud owner of a Barbie shop (a sign of a shop owner in the making perhaps?) but even that wasn't completely pink, plus an incident with my sister, scissors and my favourite doll quickly created an aversion to all things Barbie.

However,  the other week I had an almighty craving for a bright pink Pink Panther strawberry chocolate bar from my childhood, which sadly disappeared from sweet shops (probably down to the neon colour and the "bad food for children" police).  I think it was meant to taste of strawberry but it actually tasted pink, much like blue ice lollies taste blue.  So by way of overcoming the craving I've been on the hunt for some other nice pink bits and pieces to satisfy me.

They're no choccie bar but equally lovely in my eyes.

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