Beautiful beautiful beautiful!By Afroditi ...

Just an update on my previous post, a bit more searching resulted in some beautiful finds by sculptor Cal Lane. I love the idea of these metal doilies, such a delciate object made out of a rough material. They make rust look beautiful! ...
What beautiful spades... By Cal Lane, found at the Foley Gallery What beautiful spades... By Cal Lane, found at the Foley Gallery ...

Well I promised some new work and here it is. It's all a bit random to be honest and I can't say they're my favourite pieces of work but they're something new and that's a start! ...
So, I realised I haven't really lived up to the name of my blog. When I started I had the intention of sharing my illustrations with everyone, excitedly scanning in my work and posting it for everyone to see. As you can see, I've been a bit of a disappointment on the sharing front, actually on the whole drawing front. I've been waiting...

I'm addicted to Flickr, I love the way you can share your photos and experiences with anyone around the world. Much like blogging, it gives an insight into others lives...I love the way I can search for something as random as eggs and come up with a photo as beautiful as this one by zanypurr. I know it's only a bowl of eggs...

I really want to get into print making but I have no idea where to there an easy way to screen print on a small scale at home? A lot of this new found love of print seems to come via Print & Pattern, where beautiful images are posted daily. I've especially been liking the work of Pink Bathtub who uses a...

Is it crazy that I want to live in a dolls house? If it looks like this one, I think not. Found here ...
I really want one of these cute little envelope punches but it makes me feel a bit lazy seeing as I could probably whip up a few with a craft knife and a ruler.Found at Impress ...
So here is my first illustration post. I think I've been skirting around it up to now but I've taken the plunge. To be honest I'm at a stage where I'm still trying to find my know when you've seen your own work for so long that you start getting a bit disheartened about it? So I've been trying some new techniques,...

I always come across lovely bits and pieces for the home with the thought "ooh, that would make a lovey gift for..." only to forget within the next hour where (and most of the time what) I even saw them. I blame the internet for my short mindspan. Having said that, I guess having a blog will let me keep track of all...

I tried to steer myself away from posting about jewellery again but I couldn't help are some lovely finds for today Ring by Stephanie Jendis Ring by Detlef Thomas Ring by Karl FritschAll found at Galerie Slavik ...
I was re-reading my posts yesterday and now I'm stuck with the thought, do you have to be a good writer to have a good blog? Logically the answer must be yes, seeing as writing is central to blogging. This makes me think my writing isn't all it should be. Im sure I'll fall into the swing of this eventually but having been...

While I was at the exhibition I also had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful Abigail Percy, whose blog also joins the long list of my bloggy addictions. Her jewellery is absolutely gorgeous, it looks lovely in photographs but up close it is even better! Geranium cluster earrings Sweet horse chestnut broochNot only is her jewellery beautiful but so are the paintings she...

I took a wander down to the New Designers exhibition in Islington the other day and oh what a joy it was! Packed to the brim with beautiful textiles, cermics, glass and jewellery I could have stayed there all day but it was so swelteringly hot in there I evetually had to escape for some fresh air. I picked up a stack of...