To all of my lovely readers, wishing you all a very very Merry Christmas, hope you had a goodun! Festive lightsGetting into the Christmas spiritTasty breakfastsThe sweeter side of the sales ...
Having just shut up shop for Christmas my mind is a little bit all over the place. To reflect my inability to focus on one thing my Gimme Gimme Gimme today is a bit of a mixed bag... Makr : iPad attacheLady Grey : Geode ringZuriick : Shug low shoesFiona Paxton : Trina necklace Monki : Zue jumperNeed Supply : Fabric bow hairclipsV&A...
I know this wintery weather calls for knits, bobbles and pom poms but how amazing are these hats by Lock & Co? I would love to skip down the street in one of these creations, bringing a smile to the faces of manic last minute Christmas shoppers of London! ...

If I were a bird, he'd be right up my street ...


Introducing Peckish Little Birds! I've popped a few of these prints along with some other hungry little birds in my Etsy shop as well as cute little Christmas cards, get in quick before the last shipping dates! ...
Chocolate missing from your advent calendar? I think I've found the culprit.... ...
The summer flowers have been replaced with crispy leaves and bare branches. So maybe try a few of these bloomin marvelous finds to bring a bit of that floral feeling back.Sandy Chilewich : Dahlia placematJen Rowland : Daisies cushionSukie : My First Novel notebook with petal pattern Studio Gu : Flower vaseRosamaria : Dahlia ring ...

After visiting the Rene Gruau exhibition last week (more of which later) I popped into the newly refurbished Savoy hotel. I must admit I'm not a glamourous dresser, I prefer the fashionably dishevelled look (that's my excuse anyway). So I felt a little bit out of place traipsing through there with a huge heart shaped lollipop they were giving away at the Somerset...


A few months ago I was honoured to be asked by Vogue China to illustrate their special Christmas gift guide. Now the fruits of my labour have been revealed (although I'm still as yet to find a copy in London...I must go and hunt further!) and I can share them with you! Here are some of my favourites... Plus, to carry on the...
Vivetta: Paris blouse with bowLaura Tabor: Bow monocle necklaceCor Sine Labe Doli: Ceramic bow tieGemma Lister: Velvet bow ...

Every time I visit the V&A I stumble across things I haven't seen before. Which is exactly why it's my favourite place to escape to in London. My most recent visit uncovered the Theatre and Performance collection which comprises of material about live performance in the UK. From posters to stage costumes, it's a pretty fascinating insight into the creative side of performance...but...
In times of need it is perfectly acceptable to make an offer on someone else's biscuit ...
It had to happen eventually...the first in a series of Little Gaga Birds ...

I'm sure you all know me well enough by now to realise that I can't resist taking photos of anything sweet and bird themed. But it was the typography on statues that I was seeking today. It's the little details that you might not initially notice that tend to catch my eye. ...

When I was little I longed to be a librarian. Not because of the romantic notion of working in a grand old building full of books (do these actually exist in places other than films?) but because I loved the special scanning pen and stamps that were used by staff when books were taken out. How embarrassing. Then again it's probably a good...
I think this is going to be one of those blog posts where I don't quite know where to start. Also it's probably one that serves no purpose other than getting things off of my chest. It's been a tricky year for me trying to find a balance between health and work. The past few weeks the balance has tipped and not particularly...

Ah Winter, we meet again. As someone who feels the cold almost constantly (I'd strap hot water bottles to myself if I could) half of me dreads winter coming around. But the other half wholeheartedly embraces it because it means a spot of winter wardrobe shopping. Wooly tights, chunky knits and bobble hats galore always somehow fall into shivering little hands. However...