"How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?" ...

Whilst I was away I had a bit of time in between waitng for flight updates to sit down and have a really good virtual browsing session. I know it's a little bit strange that I'm posting about things I came across online rather than in Berlin (don't worry, once my head is back in order that will come) but here are some...

Calourette Bridgitte AdolphBritta Rejek ...

Pretty much sums up my day so far ...
So...it's another day gone in the great "stuck in Berlin" saga. I was meant to be flying home tomorrow but have had to book train tickets as a back up. And the earliest we could get? FRIDAY! For three of us it came to well over 1000 pounds. SighAnyway, I'm trying to make the best of a bad situation (even though my m.e....
Hello all! Due to my forgetfulness and rush to pack I didn't mention that I was going to Berlin! Well it looks like I'm having an extended stay seeing as there are no flights home (thank you Mr Volcano). So if any lovely readers in Berlin want to say hello or anyone else has any must sees do let me know. Who knows...
For more details hop on over to The Wingtipper ...
Have a lovely choccie filled Easter! ...

When I was little I wanted to be a spy. Now I don't mean this was one of those on a whim "when I grow up" things...it was a full blown obsession and dedication to all things private detective. I can name when and where I bought most of my spy kit...my favourite bits being the Usborne Detective's Handbook (bought in the Hampstead...