
Gimme gimme gimme: I Spy

By LittleDoodles - 11:18 AM

When I was little I wanted to be a spy. Now I don't mean this was one of those on a whim "when I grow up" things...it was a full blown obsession and dedication to all things private detective. I can name when and where I bought most of my spy kit...my favourite bits being the Usborne Detective's Handbook (bought in the Hampstead branch of Waterstone's), mirrored spy glasses (bought on my 1st trip to America aged 9, in a kids shop at a shopping centre called Fashion Island) and of course a trusty magnifying glass (although many an afternoon was spent burning holes in things in the garden...thanks for teaching me that essential skill Dad).

Alas, my dreams weren't fulfilled but maybe one day...illustrator by day, spy by night? I like!
So for the modern day spy outfit:
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