Loving the dream like imagery of Silvio Betterelli ...
Isaac Reina: Mirror gold pouchesTopshop: Premium lurex lace beaded teeBebaroque: Miss Godiva gold embellishment tights Urban Outfitters: Double finger flower ringReiko Kaneko: Lip Tease cup & saucer ...

I may just blame the volcano that kept me in Berlin longer than intended for the delay in posting these... ...
Suturno: Huellas ScarfBless: Unisex CardiganLizzie Fortunato for Madewell: Braided chain braceletA.P.C: Mocassins ...
Please excuse any strange goings on in the look of the blog over the next few days...I'm having a play around with its layout! Normal business to resume shortly! Please excuse any strange goings on in the look of the blog over the next few days...I'm having a play around with its layout! Normal business to resume shortly! ...
Heritage Leather Co : Canvas & leather mason bagThe Hillside: Scarf in Kyoto violet United Bamboo: Lace up booties Dannijo: Lucia Mar rings Mono Clothing: Diffusion Tee Heritage Leather Co : Canvas & leather mason bagThe Hillside: Scarf in Kyoto violet United Bamboo: Lace up booties Dannijo: Lucia Mar rings Mono Clothing: Diffusion Tee ...
I've been feeling a bit worn out and down in the dumps today but have no fear, this won't stop me digging out some lovely bits and pieces. Maybe I'm just going through my own blue period... Mine: Patterned shorts Fabrica: Ceramic birdDonna Wilson & SCP: Sprig mugMargaret Howell: Hoop necklaceLodger: Blue suede brogue Anna Hu: Knot ring ...

Living in London I forget how many amazing shops, museums and sights we have here. So I'm starting a new feature called My Little London to bring these delights to you, the lovely reader, wherever you are! Not only to introduce you to the city but also to re-introduce myself to the wonderful place I'm lucky enough to live in.First up it's a...
Sir Fluffington the Third & his family crest, shame he can't actualy wear his ring though... Sir Fluffington the Third & his family crest, shame he can't actualy wear his ring though... ...
A while ago I was advised to start doing some light exercise for recuperation by a doctor. "Resistance exercise" is what he called it...now the only resistance I know about when it comes to working out is the actual resistance to do any! However, it must be done and after asking for some recommendations cycling came up quite a few times. This has...
Massimo Vello Jacket Coffee & Milk x Porter BagJ.W. Anderson Coin tube (keeps change for that ice lolly handy!) Garyu Planet HatsCasley - Hayford Shoes ...
Jewels Jewels Jewels! A Little with interview with Elinor Voytal
By LittleDoodles - 1:12 PM

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting Treasure, an exhibition of up and coming jewellers that was held as part of London Jewellery Week. As someone with a little bit (ok, that may be an understatement) of an obsession with jewellery it was a must see for me. As well as spotting some established brands that I had already...

In honour of the imminent return of Mad Men, I offer for your viewing pleasure little Betty & Peggy (in bird form) You can take a peek at Roger & Joan here Click here to see them in all of their birdy glory on Flickr ...
Here we see Betty modelling a look from Prada A/W 2010 ...
Not just the namesake of one of my favourite blogs, but also an apt title for a collection of lovely little creatures Jonathan Adler: Squirrel ring boxVitra: Wooden dollBecca: Enamel bird ring Paul Smith: Metallic red rabbit Rococo: Handpainted chocolate fishDonna Wilson: Ginge the CatOliver Bonas: Silver owl ...